If you apply a robot in your dispensing process you will surely increase your productivity. There is no doubt that a robot is more efficient and precise, than a human being, therefore you will be able to produce more products without any waste, so there won’t be any production or material loses.
Bofa’s biggest achievements are in the laser coding and laser marking industry, then also the laser engraving and cutting industry. Those process create a lot of fumes and particulates, that Bofa products are able to capture, run through filters, and exhaust clean air back into the room instead of exhausting it outside. Furthermore you can apply these extractors in several industries such as: printing, 3d printing, dental, beauty, mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical and medical -industries.
Terjesszük ki a létesítményt, alkalmazzunk több embert vagy optimalizáljuk a folyamatokat es használjuk a már meglévő embereinket a raktárban. - Ez volt az a probléma, amivel Dan Wax az Offite logisztikai igazgatója szembenézett a cége növekedése közben. -